The Last Day on Set of Bite

Bite Final Cut Pro timeline

The end is in sight! Today is the last day of principal photography on Bite and also my last day on set. But the work doesn't end there.


  • Scenes cut: 48
  • Total runtime: 50:11
  • Number of crew birthdays celebrated on set: 3

Assembling the rough cut of Bite while here on set has been so incredibly smooth that I cannot believe the amount of progress we've already made. The cast and crew have worked TREMENDOUSLY hard to make this all happen.

There will most likely be pick-up days and I will get each day's footage delivered to me and will finish up the first cut of the movie. That's when things will get really exciting. Working with the director to finesse each scene, experiment with the arrangement of the scenes and trim the fat off of the entire film to get it to our goal running time of 83 minutes.

Updates will continue to be posted here as work. And I may have some video content to put up that goes more into depth on editing Bite during production.

In the meantime, be sure to like the Merc Media Facebook page to follow updates as they come out.

Achievement Unlocked! - Day 12 of Editing Bite

Editing Bite Black Fawn Films in Final Cut Pro

Just look at that big, sexy timeline! As of yesterday we've passed the halfway point of our estimated film duration (The distributor has us aim for 83 minutes. That's their "magic number" for total runtime).


  • Scenes cut: 34
  • Total runtime: 44:27
  • Average number of hours spent on set each day: 14

44 minutes edited. And we're on Day 11 of production. By this rate the director will be watching his movie by Christmas.

Once this week finishes I'll be excited to pack up and bring my edit suite back home to set up and finish up a few projects on my plate from the year (Bite, Antisocial 2, and a myriad of commercial projects).

Plus rest. There will probably be some rest in there somewhere once the holidays hit.

Just wanted to share this achievement with you. I'm feeling pretty awesome by the progress made on this production. It sure is a helluva way to cap the year off.

How does an editor keep fit and fuelled? - Day 7 of Editing Bite

Editing Progress

  • Scenes cut: 17
  • Running Time: 22:09
  • Number of coffees I drink per day: 2 large black javas. Straight up.

We're at the halfway point of production and the timeline is starting to really fill up.

Since I started doing editing on set with The Drownsman, I realized very quickly that I needed to come up with ways to keep myself active. It's no secret that a job that involves endless hours of sitting is horrible for you in the long-term. A lot of people are saying sitting is the new smoking.

Even growing up I was never really active. Didn't play sports and my idea of an awesome time was playing videos games with friends rather than playing outside. But at this point in my life, with the work that I do, I have found a strong appreciation for a more active lifestyle.

And we're not talking about running marathons or power lifting at the gym for 2 hours a day. I simply promise myself to make time to respect my body and keep it in decent condition for while I am working on a film.

On Antisocial 2 in October I had the benefit of access to a giant yard to retreat to. There I could put in an hour jumping rope, running a few laps, pushups, pull ups and other body exercises. Simple.

For Bite I give myself at minimum 30 minutes in the morning for 3 days of the week to do a light bodybuilders routine. I'm now starting to alternate those morning routines with some yoga, too. On my off days, I fit in an hour-long hot yoga class to really stretch the body out and recenter my mind.

This extra time comes out of my breakfast (something I value a LOT) so I've gotten used to preparing quick meals to grab in the morning or make an energy-boosting shake with some frozen fruit, avocado, chia seeds and coconut milk.

If I keep to this routine, my body has energy to work throughout the day and I don't need nearly as much coffee to keep me going. If I don't, my body becomes sluggish my noon and it starts to affect my drive. It becomes a struggle to make it to the end of the day and still be editing with the fervour that I need.

All this means that this healthier, more positive editor will churn out more scenes in a day, and those scenes will be booming with creative, motivated cuts and not just be half-assed, cut-by-number scenes.

Do you have a desk job and find yourself sitting for many hours of the day? What do you do to keep active and feed your body?

Or maybe you're the opposite and have a physically-demanding job? What do you do in your off-time to keep yourself fit for a hard day's work?

Onward to Day 8.